ROCK thru real life challenges

Quotes From Lee

ROCK thru star

Contentment comes from a long and beautiful string of true-to-yourself moments.

~ Lee Havenga
ROCK thru star

Live your best life by living a uniquely meaningful one.

~ Lee Havenga
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Love is showing that you see and know another’s value, unconditionally.

~ Lee Havenga
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Ruminating is not a strategy. Becoming aware of the truths and taking action on them is.

~ Lee Havenga
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Presence in the moment, when no self-judgement exists, reveals our truest and most beautiful self.

~ Lee Havenga
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We seem to have forgotten that we can be respectful and disagree at the same time.

~ Lee Havenga
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Don’t judge the challenges of another. We’ve all got crap, it’s just different shades of brown.

~ Lee Havenga
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All meaningful relationships with others begin with a positive Connection to ourselves.

~ Lee Havenga
ROCK thru star

What if we exchanged our to-do list with a to-be list? Start with being respectful and kind.

~ Lee Havenga