
Respect, the R in ROCK thru, is “intentionally showing every being  they are valuable, unconditionally.”

To show Respect, treat everyone like they are valuable, regardless of who they are or the situation. It can be a friend with different political views, a child having a meltdown, or a cashier at the grocery store. This type of Respect is not dependent on our commonalities but freely given despite our differences. It is intentionally approaching every person with respectful actions based solely on our shared humanity and our innate need to be valued.

Approaching everyone, including ourselves, with Respect creates an invitation to enter an emotional space ready for deep Connection, problem-solving, and compromise.
A graphic of hands holding a heart to represent Ownership one of the four ROCK thru principles.


Ownership is the O in ROCK thru, defined as “taking action based on a balanced perspective.” In its simplest description, Ownership is action after a well-rounded, emotion-free assessment of a situation. The evaluation involves looking at several angles of a problem to gather the facts without judgment or blame.

This process allows us to slow the situation down, distance ourselves from our emotions, and take action based only on the facts. Depending on the case, this process can take moments for an everyday interaction or months if you’re trying to uncouple from trauma. The method of Ownership can be both a proactive decision-making tool and a reactive problem-solving approach.
A graphic of two hands shaking and forming a heart to represent Connection, one of the four ROCK thru principles.


Connection is the C in ROCK thru and defined as a “positive, reciprocal bond.” A massive amount of research shows the human need for solid and positive Connections to thrive. Brené Brown, an expert on human emotions, summarized our imperative need for our Connection to others. She wrote, “We are hardwired to connect with others, it’s what gives purpose and meaning to our lives, and without it, there is suffering.”

Sometimes overlooked, but equally critical is our need for Connection to self and spirit. Like a triangle pyramid, when these three sides of Connection come together, they form a pinnacle of peace and equip us for life’s challenges.
A graphic of two hearts floating up from a hand to represent Kindness, one of the four ROCK thru principles.


Kindness is the K in ROCK thru and defined as “generous consideration through action.”

Although there are infinite ways to show Kindness, each act always begins with one key component: awareness of a need. Opportunities present themselves all around us when we get out of our own heads and busyness. Once we recognize the needs of others, we can take action to show generous consideration.

Scientific data demonstrates that both the giver and receiver of Kindness receive emotional and physical gain. With so much compelling data to support the benefits, imagine how we can change our world by sharing just a little Kindness each day.