Instant peace, find the best in yourself, and Kindness ripples

by Lee Havenga | May 21, 2022


The foundation of a content life comes from self-respect. Self-respect comes from self-love.
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What can you do today to give yourself love? It can be as simple as giving yourself compassion when you make a mistake or humble acknowledgement when you overcome a challenge.


The effort you put into becoming present in the moment instantly comes back to you as peace.
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Take just five minutes a day to close your eyes and feel each and every breath. Notice how you feel. Connecting with your breath is simple and available at any time.

Flexible, fast, and powerful approaches are the only ones that fit into my lifestyle. If you haven’t yet felt the instant calm from focused breathing, check out this 3-minute guided introduction from the master of breathing, Andrew Weil, M.D


A graphic of two hands shaking and forming a heart to represent Connection, one of the four ROCK thru principles.
Find the best in yourself not by looking in the mirror or your bank account, but by looking into the eyes of each person you interact with.
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Think back to your last 3 interactions. What would the eyes of those people reflect back to you?


A graphic of two hearts floating up from a hand to represent Kindness, one of the four ROCK thru principles.
Throw a pebble into a pond to understand how Kindness impacts the world. The ripples that cascade out from a single point of impact are far and wide.
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Apply it:

What Kindness impact can you make today? You likely won’t be able to see the ripple effect, but know it’s there.