ROCK thru your New Year's resolution

by Lee Havenga | December 29, 2022


Self-respect is the foundation for achieving all things.

Apply it

You might be ramping yourself up for a New Year’s resolution that you will definitely do this year. If you are, unless it is grounded in self-respect, forget about it. Self-respect, loving yourself unconditionally, is where every good habit begins. There’s not enough willpower in the world to get you to stick with a tough habit unless you do two things first:
1. Love yourself.
2. Do it because you love yourself.


Understand the ‘why’ behind why you do (or don’t do) the behavior that you want to change.

Apply it

The New Year is coming in just a few days, and you still have time to make an Ownership plan with the 3 A’s. The most important place to start is to become Aware of why you do whatever you do that you want to change. Take the next few days to really think about the ‘why.’ Notice your habits and the emotions that drive your actions and write them down. If you’re not used to being aware of your feelings and linking them to behaviors, consider reaching out to a licensed therapist to help you get to your “why.” Accept these as truths and then make an Action plan of small steps to achieve your goals.


A graphic of two hands shaking and forming a heart to represent Connection, one of the four ROCK thru principles.

Make a Connection with an accountability partner to help you stick to your action plan.

Apply it

As the New Year approaches if you want to make a change, consider doing it with others. Make a Connection with someone with a similar goal. You can be each other’s accountability partner and do hard things together… it’s way more fun and successful.



A graphic of two hearts floating up from a hand to represent Kindness, one of the four ROCK thru principles.

Kindness knows no shame.
 ~ from Stevie Wonder’s song “As”

Apply it

As you prepare to go into the new year, if you have an aspect of your life that you’ve tried to change before and weren’t successful, don’t shame yourself. Instead, give yourself Kindness and try again.


Attention 80’s pop fans! Although the lyric quoted above was removed, I hope this
makes you sway and smile.

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