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ROCK thru by embracing your unconditional value

by Lee Havenga | October 12, 2023

You, in all your unique glory, are valuable. Right here, right now. Not because of what you do or don’t do, how you look or don’t look, what you say or don’t say. Your value isn’t tethered to the past or the future, and it certainly doesn’t hinge on the choices you make, whether they’re deemed “good” or “bad.”

In a constantly evolving world, one principle stands strong as a guiding beacon—the principle of Respect. But not just any respect; it’s the ROCK thru principle—Respect you inherently have and can not be earned or taken away.

You are unequivocally valuable.

This is the crux of the ROCK thru principle of Respect. Your value isn’t a currency that can be earned or lost. It remains constant, unwavering, and unconditional. Your actions may shape outcomes, create opportunities, influence reactions, and lead to consequences, but they don’t, and can’t, alter your intrinsic value as a human being.


So here’s the liberating truth: you can’t strive to increase your value to someone, and you certainly shouldn’t expect anyone to change to enhance their value to you. Value is not a commodity that fluctuates; it’s a steady, unchanging force given to everyone all the time.


Sure, we can all change, grow, learn new things, and strive for better circumstances. These endeavors, though, don’t boost our value as individuals. We are, in all our uniqueness, wholly equal in value.

No one has the power to take away your value, and likewise, no one can bestow it upon you. You are valuable unconditionally.


Embracing this principle not only transforms your relationship with yourself but also ripples into how you perceive and interact with others. It’s a paradigm shift that fosters a culture of acceptance, understanding, and genuine connection.

Five ways to foster and acknowledge your unconditional value.


Apply it

1. Mindful Self-Awareness

Cultivate awareness of your thoughts and emotions without judgment. Understand that thoughts are transient and don’t define your worth. Mindfulness allows you to observe without getting entangled in self-deprecating narratives.

2. Set Boundaries

Establish healthy boundaries that prioritize your well-being. Saying no when necessary and respecting your own limits sends a powerful message to yourself that your needs and comfort matter.

3. Positive Affirmations

Create and repeat positive affirmations to remind yourself daily that characteristics deemed as “strengths” or “weaknesses” don’t define your value, positively or negatively. Here are a few to try:


  • I have unquestionable, inherent value.
  • I can not gain worth, and it can’t be taken away.
  • My accomplishments and failures are not my value.
  • I am valuable, unconditionally.


4. Surround Yourself with Positivity

Build a supportive environment by spending time with people who uplift and encourage you. Distance yourself from toxic relationships that may undermine your sense of value.

5. Embrace Failure as Growth

View failures as opportunities to learn and evolve. Understand that setbacks don’t diminish your value; they are just a part of life’s journey.

So, the next time you find yourself seeking validation or trying to prove your worth, remember the ROCK thru principle—Respect that begins with recognizing the inherent, unchangeable value within you and others.
ROCK thru! XO ~ Lee

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