respect diverse group of people

ROCK thru with more connections in meandering conversations


by Lee Havenga | June 27, 2024

I called my sister on Sunday to tell her two quick things when a brief chat became a meandering conversation. While we talked, we both wandered around our houses, doing random chores and sharing the little moments of our day. She fed her chickens, and we laughed about chicken antics. I made a smoothie, and we discussed the avocado shortage. While watering the garden, I showed her my calla lilies, and she told me how hers had bloomed again from last year. For five hours, we talked about everything and nothing, enjoying a wonderful connection that felt both spontaneous and deeply meaningful. Five hours!
In today’s fast-paced world, easy-going conversations like this aren’t a built-in part of our lives anymore. Gone are the days of family gathering to prepare involved meals, women washing clothes together at the river, or men on long hunts. Instead, our interactions often revolve around passing purposeful, intentional information. With friends, it might be discussing the logistics of carpooling or coordinating plans and schedules; with our partners, it’s often making grocery lists, managing finances, or planning home projects.
I’m also not talking about the small talk at dinner or a party where discussions stick to safe topics like the weather or responses to the typical “How was your day?” I’m talking about unhurried, easy-going conversations that delve into the nitty-gritty details of life, both light and heavy, allowing us to connect on a deeper level.
In this Abundant Living Series article, we’ll leverage the four ​ROCK thru principles​—Respect, Ownership, Connection, and Kindness—to make space and find beautiful meaning in what may initially seem like meaningless, unproductive interactions.

“And when we grow old, I will find two chairs and set them close each sun-lit day, that you and I — in quiet joy — may rock the world away.”
— ​Robert Sexton


Apply it

You are valuable unconditionally. It’s okay to stop being productive for a few hours or an afternoon. Getting everything done on your to-do list does not prove your worth. Being productive every moment of every day is overrated and exhausting. Allowing yourself time to engage in these seemingly aimless conversations is a form of ​self-Respect​ and self-care. In ​”The Gifts of Imperfection“​ Brené Brown emphasizes the importance of letting go of the need for constant productivity to embrace wholehearted living.


Apply it

Awareness – Take a moment to think about the last time you talked to someone without a specific purpose.
Acceptance – If it’s been a while, accept it with the truth and without excuses.
Action – Take action. Ask a friend, partner, or family member to join you in person or on the phone. When they ask, ‘What for?’ reply, “To do nothing together.” Set aside all of the things and be with each other, wherever that may lead you and the conversation. By recognizing and addressing the need for these connections, you take ​Ownership ​of your well-being.


A graphic of two hands shaking and forming a heart to represent Connection, one of the four ROCK thru principles.

Apply it

These types of meandering conversations not only foster a ​Connection​ with someone else but also create a beautiful connection to yourself. By slowing down and chatting about nothing in particular, you can contemplate and express feelings and thoughts that you might never get a chance to articulate. This process can enhance your self-awareness and emotional health.


A graphic of two hearts floating up from a hand to represent Kindness, one of the four ROCK thru principles.

Apply it

We all need bouts of downtime to connect with others. Offering your time and attention to someone else in an unstructured, unhurried way is a profound act of ​Kindness​—both to yourself and the person you’re connecting with.

Next time you feel the weight of productivity and the lack of connection pressing down on you, remember the value of a long, unhurried conversation. Welcome someone to pull up a chair or join you on your porch swing for a chat. Embrace the beauty of connecting through meandering conversations and watch your relationships and your sense of well-being flourish.
XO ~ Lee

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