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ROCK thru believing everything you think

by Lee Havenga | April 6, 2023

We all have overactive minds with opinions about EVERYTHING and won’t shut up. The trick is to tame the brain to call out the lies and reduce the chatter by outsmarting yourself.


You can’t count on anyone but yourself
to encourage you to be your authentic self
and achieve your dreams.

Apply it

Encourage yourself in 3 simple steps

Affirmations are statements that offer you emotional support or encouragement and are a great place to begin building self-respect. (Check this out to read more about the importance of .) Words of affirmation help you realize, remember, and know your value and empower you to do hard things.

If using words of affirmation feels silly or soft, I, too, was a skeptic. But there is behind the habit and benefit of affirmations. So even though it might not feel comfortable initially, you may want to try it by following three simple steps.

1. Chose an affirmation

Select a simple affirmation statement from , or write one of your own. Ensure that it is obtainable and something you want to strengthen in your life. Choose one that deep inside you know you need to combat a specific struggle or growth you want to cultivate. If an affirmation feels unrealistic, it probably is. For example, “I’m the best!” is too general, lofty, and idealistic – no one is ‘the best.’ But “I belong, just as I am” or “I can stand strong in my beliefs” are good examples of affirmations that are actionable reminders of specific goals.

2. See your affirmation

Set yourself up with what psychologists call environmental cues –reminders that trigger action. Be proactive and remind yourself to immerse yourself in affirmation at feasible times:

A sticky note near your toothbrush

Phone alarms at a few convenient times – at lunch, the parent pick-up line, and bedtime

Connect your affirmation with an ongoing activity like drinking or eating 
(I connect my affirmation when I sip water throughout the day
and nibble on my afternoon chocolate!)


Each time you see your environmental cue, take a moment to read or recite your affirmation.

3. Infuse your affirmation

Start slow. If you can’t say the words out loud, begin by expressing them in your head. Then, gradually move towards saying the words out loud. It might be a whisper until you can hold your head up high and confidently say the words.

Make a mind/body connection. Put your hands over your heart as you say your affirmation statement for more impact.

Feel any emotions that may arise, take note of them, and work through them. Consider connecting with a therapist or counselor if emotions become overwhelming. This may indicate that there are heavy things to unpack as you work towards your best life. Here’s a great article that gives

Now, go create your own supportive and positive thought narrative!

Download a to get started and ROCK thru!

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