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ROCK thru contentment

by Lee Havenga | November 3, 2022


The foundation of a content life comes from self-respect. Self-respect comes from self-love.

Apply it

What can you do today to give yourself love?

By self-love I don’t mean bubble baths or bonbons. Self-love means to treat yourself with compassion, grace, and acceptance; the way we treat and adore a new born baby. Two approaches to try…

1. Give yourself compassion when you make a mistake or humble acknowledgement when you overcome a challenge. 

2. Consider one-word sticky note reminders to keep this top-of-mind. Right now, I have a yellow square reminder of “acceptance” at my desk. What word do you need to be reminded of to begin to show yourself love?


Take Ownership over your attitudes and actions to achieve the contentment you seek.

Apply it

Feeling some emptiness or uncomfortable swirl? You have two choices: ignore it or deal with it. Ignoring it includes some of my previously used approachescovering, underplaying, and numbing. Until I realized that these take a lot of energy and don’t work. Instead, I’ve learned to take a moment to recognize and get curious about the feeling. Explore why the feeling is emerging by writing a list of truths. Take action to create new truths and you are on your way to contentment.


A graphic of two hands shaking and forming a heart to represent Connection, one of the four ROCK thru principles.

Be grateful for all that you have. Through this Connection to yourself, contentment will follow. 

Apply it

Almost 30 years ago Sarah Ban Breathnach awakened the world to two concepts that were desperately needed and still are today In her book, , she gave us permission and guidance to find our ‘authentic-self” through “gratitude journaling.” Making this Connection to ourselves allows us to assess what we have and what brings us joy. Gratitude is different for each of us since we are unique beings. And since we are ever-changing, gratitude changes throughout our lives. If you feel unsettled in your life, consider gratitude journaling to recognize what brings your authentic-self contentment. 


A graphic of two hearts floating up from a hand to represent Kindness, one of the four ROCK thru principles.

True contentment can not emerge from an unkind heart. Be loving and generous to achieve peace.

Apply it

Unkind actions or words can come from harboring pain, anger, and frustration. When we work to heal our hurts we are more free to love ourselves and others. What hurt can you heal so contentment can emerge from your kindness?

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