kindness helping elderly woman

ROCK thru by receiving love

by Lee Havenga | December 8, 2022


Because we are humans that have bad days, we won’t always be kind. Sometimes our emotions get the best of us, and we say and do things we don’t mean. The ROCK thru definition of Kindness is “generous consideration through action.” Admitting fault and making it right is one of the most generous acts of Kindness.


Borrowing words from composer Eden Ahbez,

“The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.”

This is my favorite string of words of all time because it’s the simplest explanation of the meaning of life.

Apply it

There is so much emphasis on showing and giving love to others. But do we really know how to receive love when it’s offered to us? To receive love is to admit that you are worthy of it. When we don’t value ourselves unconditionally, a part of us feels we don’t deserve love. So we ignore or reject it. It is impossible to deeply know love from someone without loving yourself first. Remind yourself every day that you are valuable, just as you are. If this isn’t something you know, you may not even be able to say “I love you” to yourself. Start small by writing the word valuable, somewhere you can read it several times a day. If even writing that single word is difficult, take eight days and write a letter a day. What’s important is that you start right now. Write the letter V.


Love is all around us, yet so much is left unrecognized.

Apply it

If you’ve done the “Apply it” activity above you’ve already completed the first step of Ownership. You’ve become aware of your “conditional anchors.” Next, accept that these are weighing you down. Then, take action to let these go.


A graphic of two hands shaking and forming a heart to represent Connection, one of the four ROCK thru principles.

Connection to the Creator reminds us that we only need to receive to have love.

Apply it

In the Christian faith, God gives love and acceptance freely. His love is not earned, ever. We only need to be willing to receive. God is the ultimate teacher of how to receive love. Regardless of your faith, make a Connection with what you call Spirit and practice receiving love.



A graphic of two hearts floating up from a hand to represent Kindness, one of the four ROCK thru principles.

The kindest thing we can do is to relieve ourselves of the never-ending agony of conditional value.

Apply it

Like you can nourish your body with food and water, you can feed your soul with love. Rejoice in the beautiful qualities that make you uniquely you. I’ll get you started. Are you…



A good listener?

Good at directions?

A problem solver?








Some of these characteristics describe you, I know it. And it’s about time you give yourself Kindness by knowing it too.

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