respect diverse group of people

ROCK thru and live from abundance


by Lee Havenga | December 26, 2024

Yesterday, on Christmas Day, I received a shocking text from a friend. Her home, just a mile away, had caught fire on Christmas Eve. As I sat with my family unwrapping gifts of material abundance—gadgets and luxuries that add convenience or excitement—her reality was starkly different. Katie and her young son had lost nearly everything. They didn’t need the latest trendy trinkets; they needed food, winter coats, and shoes. It’s a sobering reminder of what truly defines an abundant life.

What Abundant Living Really Means

Abundance isn’t about having more. It’s about honing our hearts and minds to recognize and cultivate what truly matters—what makes our hearts sing, our bodies flourish, and our minds feel at peace. It’s about choosing to live not in scarcity, where we chase the next thing, but in contentment, where we treasure the soul-fueling presence of moments we could never buy.

Throughout the past year, our weekly focus has been on practicing the ROCK thru principles to create the foundation for abundant living:

  • Respect the value of every human being.                                                                    
  • Take Ownership of our role and presence in the world.                                                
  • Build deep Connections that sustain us and others.                                                    
  • Offer Kindness—generous consideration expressed through action.                              

At any moment, material possessions could disappear. But the attitude and perspective we cultivate through these principles are unshakable.

A meaningful life flourishes from fullness, not fear.


A graphic of two hearts floating up from a hand to represent Kindness, one of the four ROCK thru principles.

Apply it

Kindness is the expression of abundance in its purest form. It’s about recognizing the needs of those around us and responding with generous consideration.

Apply It:  

Take a moment to pause and notice the needs we have been overlooking and then fulfill those needs.

  • Is there a lonely neighbor who would cherish a friendly chat?                                       
  • Does someone in your family need forgiveness to heal?                                               
  • Are you exhausted and need to say ‘no’ to the next request to volunteer?                     
  • Could you lend a hand to a single mom working tirelessly to make ends meet? (If you’d like to help Katie and her son rebuild their lives, please reach out, and I’ll pass along details.)

As I close this Abundant Living series, thank you for joining me on this journey. Together, we’ve explored what it means to live a life that lifts us from scarcity and grounds us in gratitude, connection, and generosity.

Living abundantly is not about what we can hold onto but how much we can give. May your heart, mind, and body overflow with the abundance that makes the world a better place— for yourself and everyone around you.

ROCK thru and live a life rooted in fullness, not fear of not having enough.
XO ~ Lee

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