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ROCK thru by cutting loose your anchors

by Lee Havenga | November 17, 2022

Imagine yourself in a little boat anchored to the bottom of a lake. No matter how hard and furiously you paddle, you don’t get any closer to shore. You’re exhausted and frustrated, but still, you don’t cut the rope attached to the anchor. This is what it’s like when we’re bound by the conditional anchors that we place on ourselves. Ready to get unstuck?


Each condition you place on yourself is another anchor holding you in place.

Apply it

Draw a line down the center of a piece of paper. Then, on the left, list 8-10 goals you’d like to achieve. A few examples might be: purchase a house, become debt-free, get a promotion, earn a degree.

Next, close your eyes, and imagine yourself working towards each of your goals. As you do this, listen very carefully to the negative chatter in your head. What did you hear? On the right side of the paper, list all the words that can fill in the blank in this sentence. “I haven’t met this goal because I’m not ________________ enough.”

These are the conditions that you’ve weighed yourself down with, preventing any movement toward your goal. Your list may sound something like this:

“I’m not …









Take Ownership and release the fears that are holding you down.

Apply it

If you’ve done the “Apply it” activity above you’ve already completed the first step of Ownership. You’ve become aware of your “conditional anchors.” Next, accept that these are weighing you down. Then, take action to let these go.


A graphic of two hands shaking and forming a heart to represent Connection, one of the four ROCK thru principles.

Make a Connection to help cut the anchors (and the excuses) loose.

Apply it

One of the best ways to cut ties to your anchors is to connect with an accountability partner. With your “conditional anchors” list from the previous activity in one hand, pick up your phone in the other hand. Reach out to a friend, mentor, or coach to help you map out and navigate your course. Who can you reach out to TODAY? (Send me an email if you’d like it to be me!)


A graphic of two hearts floating up from a hand to represent Kindness, one of the four ROCK thru principles.

The kindest thing we can do is to relieve ourselves of the never-ending agony of conditional value.

Apply it

Think back to the image of you in the boat. You’re tirelessly paddling against the weight of the anchors you keep in place. Be kind to yourself. Cut the ropes to these weights and feel a love for yourself that allows abundant success and contentment. 

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