ownership graduate

ROCK thru to achieve your dreams

by Lee Havenga | October 6, 2022


When you follow your dreams, no matter how scary it is, you are showing the world that you value yourself more than you value fear.

Apply it

Think about the dreams that you have, but have pushed aside. Remind yourself that if you put yourself out there and it doesn’t turn out how you had planned, you’re still a valuable being. And you will have grown in ways that make you even more valuable.


Taking Ownership of our fear of failure can help us break free to new beginnings.

Apply it

When we become aware of a balanced perspective of the truths, we often realize that the catastrophic failures that we make up in our minds aren’t reality. The fear of these unrealistic consequences keep us from going for our dreams. If you have dreams that have been squelched by fear try to take an inventory of truths. Assess if you’ve listed any “truths” that are really inflated, possible negative outcomes.    


A graphic of two hands shaking and forming a heart to represent Connection, one of the four ROCK thru principles.

Strong Connections to ourselves can give us the courage to awaken a dormant dream and take action.

Apply it

If you are feeling stuck in a rut and your dreams feel out of reach, take some time to really Connect with yourself. Go have some fun! Get energized and remember what it’s like to feel joy. When your heart is content, you can see your dreams more optimistically and be inspired to overcome what’s holding you back.


A graphic of two hearts floating up from a hand to represent Kindness, one of the four ROCK thru principles.

Be kind to yourself and give yourself the gift of achieving your dreams.

Apply it

We often think of Kindness as giving a gift. Give yourself the gift of a fulfilled life. Do you have a dream that you’ve been holding back? Most of us do. Is it an untaken trip? An unwritten book? An unstarted business? An unfinished education? Whatever your “un,” each small step you take towards your dream is a gift to your soul. 

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