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ROCK thru by turning everyday frustrations into joy


by Lee Havenga | February 1, 2024

Turn everyday frustrations into joy with intentional choices that transform your daily experiences. In the hustle of life, we often overlook opportunities for positive emotions and a more joyful existence. The ‘Abundant Living’ series guides you in embracing everyday moments to cultivate joy, gratitude, contentment, love, and awe for a more enriching and fulfilling life.

In this first article on ‘Abundant Living,’ we embark on a journey to find joy by taking Ownership during everyday moments of frustration. Picture this: You are stuck in traffic, minutes ticking away, frustration mounting. How can we turn this seemingly exasperating situation into a source of joy? Let’s explore four actionable techniques, each rooted in taking Ownership, to change our perspectives during frustrating situations and instead feel joy.

“The greatest obstacle to connecting with our joy is resentment.”

~Pema Chodron


Apply it: Four Actionable Techniques to Transform Frustration into Joy

1. Seize the Opportunity: The “I get to” reframe

In the midst of traffic, shift your internal dialogue from frustration to opportunity. Adopt an “I get to” mentality.

  • “I get to listen to more of my favorite podcast.”
  • “I get to enjoy some more moments of solitude.”
  • “I get to take this time to call a friend.”

Actively reframing the situation, take Ownership of your emotions, and find joy in the unexpected gift of personal enjoyment time.

2. Focus on Gratitude: The power of three

When irritation strikes, identify three aspects to be grateful for about the situation.

  • “I am grateful for the unwavering reliability of my vehicle.”
  • “I am grateful for the sanctuary my car provides during the commute.”
  • “I am grateful for the simple pleasure of a moment alone.”

Focusing on gratitude shifts your mindset from annoyance to appreciation, turning frustration into a moment of joy.

3. Turn to Your Happy List: Visualize what makes you happy

If you often find yourself annoyed and want more joy in your life, here’s a way to be more intentional and prepared to counter the next moment of frustration.

  • Curate a list of experiences that bring you genuine joy.
  • Make it accessible by storing your ‘Happy List’ on your phone, a portable source of positivity at your fingertips.
  • When frustration surfaces, visualize yourself doing an entry from your Happy List, like a walk in the woods. Picture towering trees, leaves rustling, and crisp, fresh air. Immerse yourself in this mental escape, shifting your focus from frustration to joy and serenity.

Incorporate the Happy List into your daily toolkit, empowering yourself to create more moments of joy.

4. Let it Go: Stop fueling your frustration

Moments of frustration can linger and stick around and steal our joy long after the incident. Instead of reliving these moments by sharing our frustration with others, let it go.

  • Acknowledge the frustration
  • Choose not to give it more power in your life by complaining.
  • Redirect your focus and actively seek moments of joy to create a more harmonious narrative for your day.

By relinquishing the hold of frustration, you empower yourself to prioritize joy and cultivate a positive mindset.

As you navigate each day, take charge, turn frustration into joy, and let each moment be a testament to your resilience and intentional pursuit of happiness. Your journey to abundant living starts with the decision to take Ownership—transforming every frustration into an opportunity for happiness. ROCK thru to more moments of joy!
XO ~ Lee

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