ROCK thru self-doubt

by Lee Havenga | October 20, 2022


When you know you are valuable, you will know a peace that will leave you both exhilarated and disappointed. Exhilarated by the freedom from worry and self-doubt and disappointed that you didn’t do it sooner.

Apply it

We are bombarded daily by marketing messages that tell us we aren’t good enough. This can lead to self-doubt and leaves us unable to see our awesomeness. Then, we are driven to fill the hole with stuff we don’t need, quiet ourselves when we have opinions, and ignore our passions. When you believe you are unconditionally valuable, you can combat these messages of ‘not enough,’ and your confidence will soar. The next time you feel insecure, remind yourself that you are valuable unconditionally. 


‘Fake it till you make it’ is terrible advice.
Being disingenuous is never good for your soul.

Apply it

Instead of ‘Fake it ’till you make it,’ try “Take it (Ownership) ’till you make it.” First, become aware of specific areas that you need to improve on to meet your goal. Accept these as truths. Then take action to get the knowledge and skills you need to provide value authentically.


A graphic of two hands shaking and forming a heart to represent Connection, one of the four ROCK thru principles.

No one has ever cared that Michael Jordan is not a symphony pianist.
Connect with and hone the gifts that make you uniquely amazing.

Apply it

Many of our insecurities come from the unrealistic need to be good at everything. Take the  CliftonStrengths assessment  and become aware of your unique strengths. CliftonStrengths recommends we make a tight Connection to our strengths, focusing on how we can hone and leverage our strengths as our unique value. CliftonStrengths also suggests we manage and create alternate solutions for the areas we are weakest in, not focus on trying to make them assets. 


A graphic of two hearts floating up from a hand to represent Kindness, one of the four ROCK thru principles.

It’s a shame when our insecurity makes it difficult to accept Kindness graciously. Like when someone compliments you on your shoes, and instead of a simple “Thank you,” you go into a whole story about how they were on sale. Your shoes very well may have been discounted, but don’t cheapen the compliment by undermining yourself.

Apply it

How do you react when someone compliments you?
Accept a compliment in a way that validates the giver’s Kindness and allows it to be received. Smile genuinely and say, “Thank you.”

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