Respect, the R in ROCK thru, is “intentionally showing every being they are valuable, unconditionally.”
To show Respect, treat everyone like they are valuable, regardless of who they are or the situation. It can be a friend with different political views, a child having a meltdown, or a cashier at the grocery store. This type of Respect is not dependent on our commonalities but freely given despite our differences. It is intentionally approaching every person with respectful actions based solely on our shared humanity and our innate need to be valued.
Ownership is the O in ROCK thru, defined as “taking action based on a balanced perspective.” In its simplest description, Ownership is action after a well-rounded, emotion-free assessment of a situation. The evaluation involves looking at several angles of a problem to gather the facts without judgment or blame.
Connection is the C in ROCK thru and defined as a “positive, reciprocal bond.” A massive amount of research shows the human need for solid and positive Connections to thrive. Brené Brown, an expert on human emotions, summarized our imperative need for our Connection to others. She wrote, “We are hardwired to connect with others, it’s what gives purpose and meaning to our lives, and without it, there is suffering.”
Kindness is the K in ROCK thru and defined as “generous consideration through action.“